May 08, 2024

ReCork Recycling

We are always looking for ways to move waste from landfills to other channels. Think recycling, composting and reusing. By doing this we ensure that products have a second life, and there is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

One item that has no easy way of being recycled with municipalities and regional waste management companies are wine corks. Cork itself is a very sustainable product, and 100% recyclable if the company has the right equipment and process. Did you know that cork comes from the bark of the cork oak tree? Every 9-12 years (and up to 15 times in their lifespan), cork is harvested without even cutting down or killing a tree.

At the moment, most households and wineries are doing one of three things with their corks: 1- Reusing them for DIY projects. 2- Wishcycling (tossing them in the recycling bin not knowing that they aren’t recyclable). 3- Trashing them, where they head to the landfill.

From a winery perspective, corks cannot be reused as closures because of bacterial concerns. So instead of tossing the cork in the trash, we are here to prolong its life. All our one-piece natural, agglomerated, and twin top agglomerate corks that are either pulled from bottles in our tasting room, labs, or simply not used at our bottling line are now going to be repurposed through a program with ReCork.

As a partner with ReCork, we are collecting corks and sending them directly to ReCork, where they grind them down to add to their recycling batch. Once ground, these cork grindings are re-agglomerated using their patented technique to create ReCork Recycled Cork. This new material is used to replace petroleum based foams and plastics in consumer products, which can be collected and recycled again.

Before you toss that cork into your recycle or waste bin, bring it to us and we will ensure it gets recycled properly. Cork types we can take: One-piece natural agglomerated, agglomerated, twin top agglomerate.

What types of cork can I recycle?

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